Twin directors Romet Esko and Raul Esko.
Rising Estonian stars Eskobros –– Born in 1999, the Esko twins were forged by Cartoon Network and 90s action movies. Having dreamt of making films since their mother first bought them a video camera, twin brothers Raul and Romet Esko have slowly been building up a reputation in the film industry of their native Estonia. In 2018 they released their first short film All Monsters Are Made-Up and began their academic journey at Baltic Film and Media School. Following summer they went to sell books in America just to make a sci–fi short film Space Pussy 5000.
Raul and Romet Esko's breaktrough work is a heartfelt short documentary Struck by Lightning (2020), which tells the story about the death of their best friend and rapper Mängupoi$$ Käru. It would go on to win Best Short Film in the National Competition of the 2020 edition of PÖFF Shorts. Their latest short – also showcased at Black Nights – was Twin Turbo (2022), an unashamed love letter to genre and Hollywood action, which garnered praise for its slick visuals and confirmed the duo as directors to watch.
In July 2023, they began filming their debut feature, Two of Me. The coming-of-age movie tells the story of twin filmmakers set out to make the world's best film about twins. The movie financed by the Estonian Film Institute is set for release in 2024. Aside from their academic pursuits, Eskobros have made a mark as music video directors, collaborating with numerous A-League Estonian artists. The EskoBros have a signature that cannot be missed. A next generation visual voice that ridicules everything in hopes of creating a new way. “We hope to one day make a film that would change the world” - Eskobros.
Raul and Romet are currently on the finish line of their master's degrees in London MetFilm School in cinematography and directing. Shoot them a dm or mail for collab @eskobros_ Raul ja Romet Esko - Wikipedia